
LAST UPDATE   AUGUST 02,2024      7:52 AM hours       


Hello, To all beer bottle collectors. I have been collecting for a very long time. This is my world inside beer bottle collecting. My name is Wes with a beer bottle collection with over 35,642. 592 of them are Growlers. My life is Beer bottles. My collection is from all around the world. sizes, shapes, and colors. Collecting for over 40+ years with a lot of changes. I am the 4th largest beer bottle collector in the world and number one in the USA. Always looking for new beer bottles. THANKS TO EVERYONE. WRICHARDSON48@YAHOO.COM





ABM-------- automatic bottle machine

DUG-------- Literally means dug from the ground

FB---------- free blown

IP----------- Iron pontil                                                                 

OP--------- open pontil

SC--------- sun color

BIMAL---- blown in a mold, applied lip, open pontil

Open pontil- 1600s to 1850s. Iron pontil- 1840-1865. Smooth base- 1865-1920. Machine base- 1901to now.

When a "brewery" is not a brewery:

People often inquire about "brewers" names on bottles or other advertising which were not listed in the books. Prior to 1890, the bottling of beer was prohibited on the premises of a brewing concern. The law stated that "bottling must be done in a building entirely distinct and separate from the brewery or warehouse." The law led many brewers who wanted to supply bottled beer to enlist the services of bottling houses. Their beer was therefore kegged and transported to the bottlers for bottling.Many of these bottlers used their own name on the bottles as the brewers of the contents.These should not be construed as "brewers". This info is from a book AMERICAN BREWERIES II By Dale P. Wieren..


I am still taking donations of beer bottles........ Come look at my site and see the maddness.

I am looking for some good history info I can add.



If I DO Not contact you  within a few days. Please EMAIL me again.. I AM Just Busy..


GOD WILL PROVIDE Philipians 4-19


I invite you to come and look at my madness

My first site opened on 4-1-2002

This site is about my passion for collecting beer bottles. You will find out the reason I started, and lots of pictures of the beer bottles I have acquired over the past 40 years. I started when I was 13 years old. I have over 35,630 different beer bottles in my collection now. I do except donations. When I first started I was finding most of my bottles under bridges, by building, from friends and just about anywhere I could get them. At first they they just looked good sitting on my small shelves in my room. My whole family thought I was nuts. Now over 40+ years latter my family thinks I am crazy. My wife is very good about my collection. My kids have no clue why I like beer bottles so much. This is why I like them. Glass to me has allot of history and is very interesting. It is something that most people have no clue how it is made nor do they care. When glass bottles were first invented. I feel that the people that made it worked very hard to make so little money for a days work. In a way, the time it took to make just one bottle just was not worth it to many people. By blowing the glass several people had lung problems and and got very hurt doing a days work. As people these days we would never in our right minds want to do the hard work it took several people to do by blowing glass bottles. I've collected beer bottles from all different spots of the world, like Russia, England, Japan, Germany, America and so on. Now bottles are not made by people but by machines. No glass blowing, no carving of the wooden mold. Just think about all the work it took just to make one beer bottle. I just enjoy the history of glass bottle making and the beer that is put into them.





Were Life is one big bottle of beer that never ends.

Although a large amount of beer was consumed in America before 1860,

beer bottles from this period are very rare and all have pontiled bases. Most

beer made during this time was sold in wooden berrels to local taverns and

private bottlers.

Did you now that Glass did not become widely used until after the Civil War (1865)..??


Did you now that up to 1860 all beer bottles had pontiled bases...??


Did you now that beer bottles from 1860-1870 are very rare??

from 1870-1880 they are scarce. From 1880-1890 they are Semi- Common.??


Did you now that Bottles marked Ale or Porter were first Manufactured from 1850-1860..??


Did you now that until the 1870's beer bottles were sealed with cork..??


Did you now that the lightening stopper was not invented until the late 19th century..??


Did you now that before the 1930's beer came in green bottles then after the Prohibition,

 brown glass was used because it was thought to preserve freshness by filtering out sunlight ..??


Did you now that in 1873, a British inventor Hiram Codd invented a bottle with a glass marble

confined inside its neck, When the bottle was filled with an effervescent liquid, gas pressure forced

the marble to the top of the neck, sealing the bottle.??


Did you now that from 1879 to early 1900's the Hutchinson stopper was commonly used. A heavy wire

loop controlled a rubbler gasket that stayed inside the cork..??




Here are some old pictures of Garage. I have over 35,630 different beer bottles. The collection has moved as of 3-01-2021. There are 4 double walls 10 feet long 8 feet high. This is my own Idea. I did not copy anyone else. I use milk crates to store everything that will not fit on the shelves and that is a lot of beer bottles.


Beer Bottle Collectors
We collect beer bottles and share info.

Rogue Ale 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Bottling of World Champion Hazelnut Brown Nectar... Bottled in 1998 - 101.4 fluid ounces and  History at it's finest!! 1999 Limited Edition Bottling of Rogue Ales Portland Rose Festival Ale featuring Former Mayor Bud Clark. 101.4 fluid ounce bottle Thank you Jack The world lost a generous and great man...
 Here is a little info you may need someday

Time to go look at my other pages. any questions yet??


